In Memory: Fran Potter

Fran and Laura with tapestry

People can come into your life at magical, meaningful times, and this was certainly true of my relationship with Fran Potter.  I was just embarking on the transition from Montessori school to unschool homeschooling—a learning adventure for which my mom was the great champion.  As a family physician, she was confident in teaching math and […]

A Challenge in Miniature

were watching you

This month, I entered a piece fresh off the loom for Small Tapestry International 6–a biennial event hosted by the American Tapestry Alliance.  The theme was “Beyond the Edge,” and the size limit was under 100 square inches.  In tapestry, that is TINY!  What could I design and make that would fit the theme, the […]

Joys and Challenges of Weaving on a Round Loom

seahorse tapestry in studio

It is statistically likely that highly creative people have at least 15 projects laying about in various states of incompletion.  (I heard it explained once that creative people don’t have clutter, it’s just great ideas lying about.)  I’m certainly guilty of that situation, and now and then I get the itch to pick up a […]