Introducing Erindale Palates

“You have such a sense of color,” I’ve hard again and again.  “When I see your work, or the dyes you choose for your yarns, I know it’s yours by the colors you choose.”

Or, most recently when helping an online shopper with shipping her roving order, she offered, “I loved the color choices–more natural and soft, not too harsh and bright, and they go together well.”

Yes, yes, that’s the point!  I’m one of those yarn shoppers when I see a color and weight that I know augments my stash within my palate, I buy it.  Even if I don’t know what I’ll use it for yet, I know that I’ll use it because it fits in my greater scheme.  Lately, I’ve been encouraged to begin making curated arrangements if our wool to highlight those color choices that play especially well together, so that creatives of all kinds can enjoy using the Erindale Palate.

To kick off the idea, I designed a series of collections of wool roving from our sheep (both natural and hand dyed), which I just added to our farm’s e-store.  They each feature 6 balls of 1/2 oz. roving–great for needle felting!  Click the title to find where to purchase each collection.


winter roving


spring roving


summer roving


autumn roving


magic roving

If you are inspired by these Erindale Palates, I’d love to see what you create!  Here is one of my latest pieces, also available as a painting with wool needle felting kit.

flower fantasy