Have you been admiring the progress made on “Hummingbird Haven,” the story of “Trout and Swallows” or “Mr. Rooster”? Have you thought it would be fun to learn how to make something in that style? Well, now you can!
After years of planning and designing, I am now launching a two-day intensive “Punch Needle Rug Hooking: Birds of the Northwoods.”
Here is the course description:
Do you love natural fibers and wild birds? If so, this class might be a perfect combination for you! Jump into the world of punch needle rug hooking with a selection of designs from the instructor (cardinal, chickadee, loon, owl, or hummingbird) to create a colorful and textural piece of your own. Using yarn from the instructor’s farm’s sheep, you will learn how to stretch the monk’s cloth backing onto a frame and use two sizes of the Oxford Punch Needle to turn your chosen design into a looped pile home accent.
Registration includes instruction, yarn, and monk’s cloth backing, on which your final project will be fully completed. You will also have use of a frame, Oxford punch needle, a yarn swift, iron, and all other materials required for successful completion. The instructor will transfer your preferred design onto the monk’s cloth backing before class. Your final project will be a colorful 10×10 finished piece, with the image of a bird of the Northland!
Just as I use the Oxford Mini and Mini-with-Heels punch needles to create depth and perspective in my punch needle tapestries, in these intensives, students will also gain skill and acumen in interpreting their design in this fashion. Each design I hand-drew to bring to life the birds we know and love. Students pick their design of choice, as well as which colors they want to use. I’m already starting to pack bins of wool yarns, balled and ready for punching. So many great colors!
As with all punch needle rug hooking, the piece is stretched onto a frame and worked from the back. Students use frames and punches from my collection, with the option to purchase after class if they want to continue their punch needle adventures. Here, the cardinal is taking shape with just the remainder of the background to finish. The back side looks like stitches, while the front side is where the looped pile is being created.
After removing the backing from the frame, I’ll teach finishing techniques, and the beautifully colored bird will be ready to take home and enjoy.
Here is a short video of me demonstrating the technique.
Interested? Here are the upcoming dates and locations for this two-day intensive. Not only am I offering this at my home teaching space in the Fiber Loft of Farmstead Creamery but also at two regional folk schools. North House had several instructors apply to teach Oxford style punch needle rug hooking, but they chose my class because I had been working in the medium the longest and have been a student on their campus (remember last year’s hat making adventure?).
I’m incredibly excited to have this class off the ground and ready for enrollment. If these dates don’t work for you and you can find 2 or more friends/family to join you, we can look at scheduling alternative dates at Farmstead Creamery (maximum 8 students per class). Currently, all these classes have availability, but I wouldn’t wait too long to get your name on this list, if you would like to join in.
November 9th and 10th. Duluth Folk School, Duluth MN
Course Details
February 15th and 16th. North House Folk School, Grand Marais, MN
Course Details
February 28th and 29th. Fiber Loft of Farmstead Creamery & Cafe, Hayward, WI
Please use my contact form, and I’m happy to send you details–only 4 spaces left. Additionally, you can call Farmstead at 715-462-3453 It’s likely I’ll be there to answer the phone!
Here’s to finding new ways to express your fiber arts creativity!