Inheritor of Stashes
The stash. I wish there was a prettier word for it, maybe something that sounds a bit more French? Even horde sounds at least medieval or fantasy oriented to describe an assemblage of art or craft supplies, but “stash” seems to have become the term of choice. On the other hand, I don’t want to […]
New Exploration, Added Skillsets
Being an interdisciplinary artist means that I’m not married to one medium or methodology. Creative projects for me typically start as an idea seeking form–which might eventually become a song, a tapestry, a story, or any number of options for making. Adding to my toolset for creative expression keeps things fresh for me as an […]
Facing Your Project UFOs
For many of us, the term UFO conjures images of disk-shaped alien space craft with blinking lights and eerie music, but for creative makers, we have a different use for this acronym—Un-Finished Object. A creative UFO is a different critter from the other acronym WIPs, or Works In Progress. A WIP is something you’re actively […]
Joyful Lifelong Learning
I’m not much for watching TV, as you might have surmised. The few winter evenings we do watch a program, it’s almost always a documentary, preempted by someone calling out, “Let’s learn something!” Learning, in our house, was not something you did only during school hours—it was a part of everyday life that was encouraged […]
Developing a New Model for Teaching Fiber Arts
Developing a New Model for Teaching Fiber Arts Until Spring of 2020 I had spend years immersed in an “in person” fiber arts teaching schedule, with needle felting classes on Saturdays, Painting with Wool felting classes on Sundays, two-day weaving intensives, and many Fridays travel teaching to folk schools for felting and punch needle rug […]
Weaving It Together
“What do you see yourself doing 10 years from now?” It was my interview for Vermont College’s progressive, low-residency undergraduate program. I thought for a moment, then answered, “I want to have my own weaving school.” Now I was sharing that story in Farmstead Creamery’s Fiber Loft to my three students, eager to being weaving. […]
The Lady in Green
It’s been two years since my last costume creation, and the stitching itch finally got the best of me. That and the season of St. Patrick’s Day with its Celtic performances reminded me of my dwindling inventory of handmade gowns to wear–a signature part of my music performance presence. Most of my previous collection of […]
The Making of a Woven Shawl
Tapestry weaving works tightly back and forth in short rows–each strand staying within its own color area. This has its own rhythm and joy as the design slowly builds and takes form, but sometimes I just yearn for large strokes and soft textures. This means it’s time to bring out the triangle shawl loom. Yes…I […]